Es tu turno...

Es tu turno...

viernes, 20 de marzo de 2020


Today we are starting Unit 5, The Instruments of the Orchestra.

Let´s start with a video of The Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra.
It is a 1946 musical composition by Benjamin Britten. It was based on the second movement "Rondeau" of the Abdelazer suite written by Henry Purcell in 1695.

This is the main theme that Britten used to explain all the instruments of the orchestra.

At the beginning of the composition, the whole orchestra plays the main theme. Then, the different instruments present themselves to the audience.

Here is a version of the first part of that composition. After watching the video, here is what you have to do:

1. Go to your notebook and write the title: Unit 5, the instruments of the Orchestra

2nd title: The Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra.

3. Write in which order do the different families of instruments appear in the video and what color is the shirt of the musicians.

4. Draw the sketch of the orchestra indicating the position of the main families of instruments: STRINGS, WOODWIND, BRASS, and PERCUSSION.

5. When you finish the work, make a picture of it and send it to me to

You have time until Wednesday, March 25.
I will wait for your pictures.

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